Our Blogs

Heat-Induced Migraines: Symptoms and Treatment to Manage it

Heat-Induced Migraines: Symptoms and Treatment to Manage it

You're basking in the summer sun, enjoying precious moments with your loved ones. But just as you're immersed in the joy of the moment, a heat-induced headache crashes upon you like an uninvited shark, disrupting your day and bringing it to a screeching halt. [...]

Normal Aging: What to Expect & What Can You Do About It?

Normal Aging: What to Expect & What Can You Do About It?

The passage of time brings about countless transformations that can significantly affect one's overall health and happiness. The aging process affects various aspects of the body, including the appearance of wrinkles and graying hair and alterations to vital organs such as the heart and digestive system. [...]

Fungal Infection on the Skin: Types, Symptoms, and How to Prevent It?

Fungal Infection on the Skin: Types, Symptoms, and How to Prevent It?

A fungal infection is a skin disease that is caused when a type of fungus becomes predominant in one area of the body. The immune system gets defeated and is unable to battle the fungal microbe. This can lead to skin problems like rashes or bumps. [...]

Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments for Vestibular Migraines

Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments for Vestibular Migraines

Migraine is a common neurological disease that is commonly characterized by moderate to severe headaches accompanied by throbbing or pounding sensations, usually on one side of the head. Vestibular migraine involves vestibular symptoms such as severe vertigo lasting for minutes, hours, or even days, nausea, vomiting, sweating, flushing, or diarrhea. [...]

Causes of Acne: Step-by-Step Guide on How to Prevent It

Causes of Acne: Step-by-Step Guide on How to Prevent It

Acne is a very common skin condition that occurs due to clogged pores. Depending on the severity, acne can leave scars on your face and other parts of your body. Teenagers and young adults are more prone to get acne; however, it can affect any age group at some point of time. Acne is not usually painful, but acne scars can contribute to feelings of depression, as it does tend to affect your self-esteem and confidence.[...]

What are The Reasons for Getting Frequent Tiredness?

What are The Reasons for Getting Frequent Tiredness?

Do you feel TATT? Well, TATT is a common acronym that stands for “ tired all the time.” Everyone feels tired or exhausted at some point in time; lack of sleep, long work hours, or the common cold can be some of the basic causes of fatigue. However, it is unusual to experience tiredness all the time. [...]

Oral Hygiene: Dry Mouth Symptoms, Causes, and Solution

Oral Hygiene: Dry Mouth Symptoms, Causes, and Solution

A dry mouth, or xerostomia, refers to a condition in which the salivary glands in your mouth don't produce enough saliva or spit, which makes your mouth get dry and uncomfortable. It can also lead to other symptoms, like dry throat, loss of appetite, bad breath, or cracked lips.[...]

Know How Late Night Eating Prevents Weight Loss

Know How Late Night Eating Prevents Weight Loss

Although late-night eating does mess with the body's cycle, it is a bad habit that might pose a problem for your weight loss regimen.[...]

Important Benefits of Fish Oil, Omega 3, and Heart Health

Important Benefits of Fish Oil, Omega 3, and Heart Health

Fish oils may provide certain benefits to people with heart disease. Online chemist UK can provide you with fish oil supplements or any other medication 24/7.[...]

What Causes Heart Palpitations and Headache to Occur Together

What Causes Heart Palpitations and Headache to Occur Together

You must consult your doctor if you are not sure what is causing the symptoms of heart palpitations and headaches. Medications for the same are available at online pharmacists. [...]

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