Oral Hygiene: Dry Mouth Symptoms, Causes, and Solution

Oral Hygiene: Dry Mouth Symptoms, Causes, and Solution

A dry mouth, or xerostomia, refers to a condition in which the salivary glands in your mouth don't produce enough saliva or spit, which makes your mouth get dry and uncomfortable. It can also lead to other symptoms, like dry throat, loss of appetite, bad breath, or cracked lips.

What Causes Dry Mouth?

Although dry mouth is typically a temporary condition, it can become chronic for some people or be a symptom of other underlying health issues. In most cases, your dry mouth symptoms should disappear after you stop certain activities, treatments, or medications. UK pharmacy advocates that it is essential to identify the problem's root cause to maintain oral hygiene.


Causes of dry mouth include:

  • Dehydration caused due to fever, excessive vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, and burns. 

  • High levels of stress or anxiety

  • A side effect of certain medications or drugs used to treat anxiety, depression, pain, allergies, epilepsy, hypertension, diarrhea, nausea, urinary incontinence, asthma, and Parkinson's disease.

  • Cancer treatments such as Chemotherapy and Radiation

  • Side Effects of diseases and infections include HIV/AIDS, Sjögren's syndrome, diabetes, anemia, cystic fibrosis, oral thrush, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, and mumps. Order a diabetes testing kit from an online chemist shop to keep track of your diabetes levels regularly

  • Neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and strokes

  • Nerve damage to the head or neck region due to injury or surgery

  • Open-mouthed breathing and snoring

  • Tobacco, alcohol, and recreational drugs

  • Aging due to changes in the body's ability to absorb medication and insufficient nutrition


What are the Symptoms of Dry Mouth?



Saliva is the fluid produced by the salivary glands. 


It plays a crucial role in the following:

  • Moisten your mouth

  • Enhance your ability to taste, chew and swallow food

  • Protect your mouth from gum disease and tooth decay by neutralizing acids produced by bacteria

  • Repair and demineralize weak tooth enamel

  • Enzymes produced by saliva wash away food particles

  • Aids in digestion


Reduced saliva can produce these common symptoms:

  • A sticky, dry feeling in the mouth and throat

  • Increased thirst

  • Sores in the mouth and throat. To know more about winter sore throat, click here.

  • Cracked lips

  • A dry, raw, red tongue accompanied by a burning or tingling sensation

  • Difficulty in speaking, tasting, chewing, and swallowing

  • Hoarseness 

  • Bad breath. UK online pharmacy has a range of products to help you with bad breath problems.

  • Trouble wearing dentures

  • Dry feeling in your nose

  • Increased plaque, tooth decay, and gum disease

  • Yeast infection in your mouth (thrush)


How to relieve dry mouth problems?



Whether your dry mouth symptoms are temporary or recurring, to maintain your oral hygiene and overall health, you need to increase your saliva production and relieve oral dryness.

  • Frequently sip water to keep your mouth moist and loosen mucus. This habit will also help to wash away excess food, debris, and bacteria.

  • Chew sugar-free gum or candies containing xylitol to promote saliva production

  • Run a humidifier, especially at night if you tend to sleep with your mouth open, to increase the moisture level indoors

  • Take over-the-counter artificial saliva substitutes like alcohol-free liquid rinses, sprays, and gels or medications for dry mouth as prescribed by your medical practitioner.

  • Eat soft, moist foods like broths, soups, and creams, that are cooled or at room temperature.

  • Substituting your medication that may be causing dry mouth with other alternatives might help to deal with your dry mouth problems.

  • Avoiding products that include caffeine, alcohol, and excessive salty, spicy, and acidic foods can also help to cure dry mouth symptoms. Stop smoking and using recreational drugs that can cause dry mouth.

Use lip moisturizer. Additionally, use skin care products from UK online pharmacy for all your skincare needs.


How to Prevent Dental Problems Due to Dry Mouth?

Since your saliva cannot do its normal job due to a dry mouth, it is important to maintain an oral hygiene routine that can help prevent oral complications by keeping bacteria away. 


Be sure to:


  • Brush twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste

  • Rinse your mouth with plain water or an antimicrobial mouthwash after every meal

  • Visit your dentist regularly to remove plaque and assess your overall dental well-being

  • Floss your teeth every day


You can order your mouthwash and toothpaste from an online chemist shop 24/7.



Whether you treat your constant dry mouth problems using home remedies or order saliva-stimulating products from Life Pharmacy, it is important to resolve this issue to keep your mouth healthy and bacteria-free. If dry mouth problems persist for a prolonged period, don’t ignore consulting your medical practitioner to identify the underlying cause.


Contact the online chemist shop now for all your medical needs!

Read more: 6 Tips to keep Yourself Safe and Healthy This Winter Season

Category: oral hygiene

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