Complete Guide - Winter Sore Throats Problems

Complete Guide - Winter Sore Throats Problems

Winter marks the arrival of the holiday season; however, along with the festive vibes, people often experience problems in their ears, nose, and throat. Many times they may unknowingly associate this discomfort with illness or infection. In cold weather, sore throats, coughs, and colds may be due to the dry climate. It is thus important to identify the root cause of the ailment before treating it.

Pharmacy online has curated this guide to help you understand the causes and remedies for sore throat in cold weather. 


Read further to know about winter sore throat problems:

Why are sore throats common in cold weather?

Sore throats are usually caused due to infectious and non-infectious sources.In winters, people prefer the warm and cozy environment indoors rather than moving around outdoors. Contagious viral germs tend to get nastier and spread quickly indoors. Also, people tend to ignore the handwashing norms in cold weather, making the contagion spread faster.


Some infectious sources of sore throat are:

  • Viruses or Common colds 

  • Mononucleosis 

  • Tonsillitis,Strep throat, and flu

  • Chickenpox, measles, and croup.




A person suffering from viral sore throat may experience other cold symptoms such as runny nose, cough, red or watery eyes, and sneezing. The symptoms of strep throat, which is a bacterial infection, are similar but may be more severe. The patient may even have a high temperature and feel shivery.


In most cases, the duration of a sore throat from an infectious source is anywhere from a few days to two weeks. A sore throat that stems from a common cold mostly gives way to congestion in a day or two.


Cold winter air can dry out the throat tissue, causing severe irritation. If one breathes through the mouth rather than the nose, the symptoms may get worse. After exercising the sore throat symptoms may aggravate due to this. It is important to breathe through your nose when running, skiing, or walking to add moisture to the air. 


Some non-infectious sources of sore throat are:


  • Chronic dust mites allergies

  • Irritation of mucous membranes due to nasal drainage

  • Dry air due to Indoor heating

  • Dry mucous membranes due to oral breathing

  • Sore throat due to muscle or voice strain

  • Acid reflux or heartburn


A sore throat from dry air or allergies can last the entire season. In such cases, there is not much option but to treat the symptoms.


Sore Throat Prevention and Treatment

It may be impossible to completely avoid getting a sore throat in the winter season. However, by following these tips you can reduce the chances of getting a sore throat  


1. Over the counter meds

If you feel uncomfortable, contact a chemist online to ease your discomfort with their over-the-counter options. You can add paracetamol or ibuprofen to your cart or seek comfort from our medicated sore-throat lozenges and anesthetic sprays. They are available over the counter, claiming to relieve throat pain with anti-inflammatories. Besides this Pharmacy online UK, have a range of treatments for Allergy and Hayfever.


2. Gargle with saltwater 

For inflammation due to sore throat, many medics recommend gargling with warm salt water(It is not recommended for children.) Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water, gargle with the solution, and spit it out. Repeat the process if necessary. It is a simple inexpensive remedy that one can try at home. 


3. Sore throat irritants

Smoking cigarettes can irritate the windpipe, causing a sore throat. When an irritant enters the system, it is the body’s natural mechanism to get rid of it by coughing. Not only does smoking result in more inflammation, but it also lowers immunity. If the immunity levels are low, the body becomes more susceptible to recurrent viral and bacterial infections. 


Another drastic drawback of smoking is the weakening of the lower esophageal sphincter between the stomach and esophagus (or food pipe). It causes acid reflux from the stomach which irritates the throat. Click here to know more about heartburn causes symptoms and treatment. Changes in temperature, such as going from a warm office to the icy outdoors may also trigger sore throat.


4. Boost your immune system




To safeguard your body against any ailment it is crucial to boost your immune systems. A sore throat too can be prevented by strengthening your immune system. For this reason, a balanced diet that provides all the nutrients in the requisite proportion is quintessential. At times the body may be unable to absorb certain nutrients or your diet may not be able to sufficiently provide those nutrients. It then becomes necessary to consume vitamins and supplements to meet the nutritional deficit. Click here to know about the best time to take vitamins to maximize their absorption.


Additional Tips:

  • By installing a humidifier in your home or office, you can add humidity to the dry air indoors. The moist air will reduce irritation of mucous membranes.

  • Washing your hands regularly with warm water and soap is a good measure to fight germs. Practicing good hand-washing or using alcohol-based hand sanitizers are necessary to combat infections.

  • Keep your hands off your face as they come in contact with germs throughout the day. Avoid touching your face, eyes, or the corners of your mouth to keep the infection at bay.

  • Stay hydrated to keep your mucous membranes moist and prevent a sore throat. It is the simplest and least expensive of all the remedies. You can suck on ice cubes or lollies, but hot drinks must be avoided.

  • A good night's sleep aids to fight infection. Rest your body and voice to get quick relief from sore throat.



Enjoy the holiday season to the hilt, but take care of your health as well by following these simple tips from Pharmacy online. Life Pharmacy does not wish that a sore throat should ruin your happiness and fun this winter. But if you experience any discomfort, remember we are just a call away!

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