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Featured Product No Size 2 Alcohol Screening Tests Brand suresign MPN SS333-6773 Directions Allow the test to reach room temperature (15-30°C) prior to testing. Wait 15 minutes after last alcohol consumption or drink a glass of water before taking the test. 1. Bring the pouch to room temperature before opening and use it as soon as possible. 2. Remove the detector from the sealed pouch by tearing the sealed pouch at the pre-cut mark to avoid touching the Mouthpiece. Do not touch the Mouthpiece to avoid any contamination. 3. Hold the middle of the detector using your left and right index finger and thumb, then firmly squeeze the detector to break the Inner Glass Tube containing the yellow crystals. Do not crush or bend the detector. Perform the test as soon as possible after breaking the Inner Glass Tube. Refer to the illustration at right. 4. Hold the middle of the detector horizontally, then take a deep breath and blow hard into the mouthpiece of the detector in one continuous breath for 12 seconds. Then shake the detector slightly to distribute the crystals evenly in the Test Window. Note: Failure to blow hard or to blow in one continuous breath for 12 seconds into the detector may cause erroneous results. Do not inhale while blowing into the detector. Refer to the illustration at right. 5. Read results at 2 minutes by identifying the colour of the crystals to determine the relative Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). Do not read results after 5 minutes. Ingredients The test contains Silica Gel, Inorganic Acid, Potassium Dichromate and other additives. Pharmacy Product No Prescription Only No Side Effects No Warnings No More Info No