Living with Asthma

Living with Asthma

Thousands of children and adults all over the world live every day of their lives battling asthma. Although the disease is often not as fatal as cancer, research conducted by the Royal College of Physicians shows that over 5 million UK citizens are suffering from this illness.

Thousands of children and adults all over the world live every day of their lives battling asthma. Although the disease is often not as fatal as cancer, research conducted by the Royal College of Physicians shows that over 5 million UK citizens are suffering from this illness. As it continues to be passed from generation to generation, living with asthma is a lifestyle that requires discipline and sufficient knowledge.

Signs and Symptoms

Some people do not often realise that they suffer from asthma. Identifying the accompanying symptoms and understanding the various types is essential in prescribing the right treatment for this condition. If you have been experiencing some of the symptoms listed below, then immediately seek medical help.

Coughing, especially at night

Keep in mind that you do not need to wheeze to have asthma. Repetitive coughing is one of the most common asthma problems ever to be reported. This is due to the inflammation of the bronchial tubes producing sticky secretions.


Hearing high-pitched sounds while breathing can signal that your respiratory system may be clogged. Wheezing can also be a result of other illnesses, so please consult a doctor.

Shortness of Breath

When a person loses breath, this can be associated with asthma. Most people can find an immediate relief by inhaling through a nebuliser or an inhaler. Never take any medication without consulting your GP or a pulmonologist.

Chest tightness, pain or pressure

One of the things an asthma patient must live with is experiencing chest attacks pains. These may vary from regular palpitations to a severe, crushing pressure.

However, there are also instances when one can go on with their everyday lives without experiencing any of these symptoms, only experiencing them in periodic intervals known as asthma attacks. There are also others who get symptoms while they are doing physical activities or suffering from viral infections.


Prevention is better than cure. Self-managing asthma involves being aware of its causes and how to avoid them. While the primary cause of this chronic illness is still unknown, here are some of the most widely recognised triggers.


Most patients have attacks when they inhale airborne substances from trees, grass, wood pollen, dirt or even cockroach droppings. Other irritations occur from consuming food and food additives that are incompatible with your body. The most common food associated with these are:

  • Eggs

  • Milk

  • Peanuts

  • Chicken

  • Shellfish

Strenuous Exercise

While physical activities are good for the health, getting involved in too intense sports can lead to potential asthma attacks. Try engaging in light exercises such as walking and jogging. Experts say that having adequate warm ups can prevent the occurrence of chest pains.


Inhaling tobacco smoke would directly affect your lung function, making you vulnerable to asthma build-up. Pregnant women who smoke are likely to have babies who have decreased lung performance. In 2014, there have been 900,000 GP visits and 9,500 hospital admissions related to second-hand smoking cases in children.

Carrying Your Medical Equipment

The best thing to do is to be prepared. Do not allow asthma to take over your life. If you are constantly on the road, then get yourself some travel nebulisers. These things are lightweight and can easily be put in your bag, pocket or your glove compartment.

Choosing high-quality humidifiers will also assist you in maintaining breathing conditions within your home. Keep your doctor's number at all times in case there are medical emergencies.

Lastly, always bring with you an inhaler since this will be help if you have an attack. The most popularly used inhalers are Salbutamol and Ventolin. While this can be an expensive investment, here at Life Pharmacy you can buy Salbutamol and Ventolin inhaler online at affordable prices. Order now by visiting our website.

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