Snoring is common amongst almost everybody and is not something to usually worry about. However, if you are someone who snores every night or finds it a problem, then this post is just for you.
Snoring can be caused by a variety of lifestyle habits so you may find that small changes in your everyday life can help you before you start to get your credit card out to purchase products which you think could help you stop snoring.
Ensuring you maintain a healthy weight and diet is important as the fatty tissue around around your neck can squeeze your airways and result in snoring. Try sleeping on your side instead of your back as the position of your tongue can get in the way of your breathing, causing you to snore. Cutting down on smoking is a major lifestyle change that can not only help you stop snoring but improve your health in general. The smoke can irritate the linings of the lungs and airways causing swelling and a build up in flem, again making your airways smaller, leading to snoring. Here’s a link for some products to help you stop smoking:
If these tips aren’t working, some helpful products to stop snoring include:
- Snoreeze Nasal Spray £12.95 £9.95 which is useful for snoring due to having a blocked nose.
- Snoreeze Oral Strips £4.99 £4.19 which targets the main cause of snoring.
- Breathe Right Nasal Strips £14.29 £13.99 improves nasal breathing by gently pulling open nasal passages.